The Tinderazo of the creampies Siwon fights back (Vol. II)

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...     

We decided to eat the jar and ask ourselves a question of vital philosophical importance, the kind that marks a before and after in the history of humanity, the kind that ends with the little sign “To Be Continued”…

If our products were Tinder profiles? How would they be? Where would they take you to flirt on the first date? What little tricks would be kept in the boat to encourage you to swipe right more eagerly than the volume button on the TV when Temptation Island starts?

Let the candidates for your new supermatch come in:



In his photo: There are looks that make you fall in love... and looks that make you pregnant. And this one almost left you 8 months old. It's not that he only posts photos of his eyes, it's that his profile is the wet dream of an eye doctor in training. 

In his bio: Don't expect to find much. He is one of those who think that when looks speak, words are unnecessary. Dates at night, in the dark, where #nobodyever? Yes, man, and miss these heartthrob eyes from La Flor de Mi Secreto? Better a short walk with a view of the sunset, so that when you least expect it he will pierce you (with his gaze) and whisper softly in your ear... “when the light hits me from this side I also have them a little green, do you see?” . 

Swipe Right if you're tempted to start the mischief making little eyes and wake up the next morning with dark circles down to the ground, as long as it's for a good cause.

Swipe Left if you think that that look of not having slept 8 hours straight in the last 8 years is already part of your sex appeal. 

The soundtrack: Papa Levante - Me Pongo Colorada


In your photo: It looks like a convection of Marvel and DC. Iron Man t-shirts on the outside, Captain America gayumbos on the inside. He does not wear masks or capes, but wherever the world passes he wonders: Is he a bird? It is a plane? Is it Superman? Or is he a very simple man who wants to make you fall in love?

In his bio: He says he wants to take you to the dark side, but then he is a being of light who defends self-care, lightsaber in hand. A textbook super geek. He may not know how to fix the Wi-Fi, but he has the keys to help you reset . The best company for hangover Sundays , it doesn't bring you breakfast in bed but it knows how to leave you looking like you've recharged your batteries... even if you haven't slept a wink.

Swipe Right if you also fantasize that 20 minutes of superpowers will leave you feeling happier than 2 hours at the spa. 

Swipe Left if your only personality is to go through life with the same face as Bruce Wayne: off, out of coverage or without vital battery. 

The soundtrack: David Bustamante - I'm not a Superman


In your photo: Your favorite filter? The one with the coffee. One hand for the selfie, the other always free for Starbucks frappuccinos. We neither confirm nor deny that it is to dip the churro.

In his bio: Sweet but intense… like your favorite coffee. A morning glory. A morning productivity guru (and we won't tell you how he earned the title). On the first date he takes you to brunch, and not because he's there to eat it. There is no need to scratch to see if it hides many layers, red flags or black spots. What you see is what you get: pure essence. Of course, be careful that if you try it, it will hook you... in every sense.

Swipe Right if you fancy the kind of shake that leaves you feeling fresh and wakes you up more than your iPhone alarm on Monday mornings. 

Swipe Leftif you are in such a decaffeinated mood that we would be left with soup writing this… zzz 

The soundtrack: Miguel Bosé - Morena Mia


In his photo: #SinFiltros, even though it may seem like a lie. Neither posed nor decorated, it monopolizes the paparazzi-level flashes of Hola. I was an atheist, but now I believe and I wonder if Father God got out of hand the day he distributed the pibón gene. 

His bio: At first it seems like a normal thing, nothing you've never seen before, but when you taste it in your flesh for the first time... It has it all: good principles, it's there for you in the best and worst moments, the Peñita notice that miraculous halo of “you've got it fixed” that provokes you… Where do we put the altar?

Swipe Right if you also pray to heaven to wake up every morning blessed with that babe effect that is seen but not noticed.

Swipe Left if you are more of “Titi asked me…” than of everything in one. 

The soundtrack: C. Tangana and Nathy Peluso - Ateo 

Okay, maybe it wasn't such a transcendental question and we've gone too far with the hype. But if you feel like having a laugh while you find your next cosmetic match to level up your profile and continue wearing out the swipe button on your trusted hookup app...     

Siwon's Tinder will always have a place in his heart for you. ❤️‍🔥

We do cool right,

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